Traces of the Amazon

VEDAC brings legality, security, transparency and innovation to the process of inventing and reinventing the use of wood, making it much more sustainable.

It is legitimately from the state of Pará (Brazil) and was conceived with the thought focused on how to reuse and value existing resources in the forest in a coherent, intelligent, transparent way and with environmental and social responsibility. Being able to integrate the environment and riverside people through Adit (Ádito) is incredible for us.

All wood used in production comes from a renewable and sustainable source, maintaining biodiversity and still capturing CO₂, we are proud to bring to the market a product that has its proven sustainable origin through forest management.

Certification and QR Code

Having legal tropical wood, harvested in an intelligent and sustainable way, with origin proven by QR Code is a big step towards the process of re-signification of the use of natural resources of the Amazon.

Have legal tropical wood, harvested in an intelligent and sustainable way, with origin proven by QR Code.

We take care of nature

VEDAC, in the quest to bring security and transparency, has a raw material supply contract with the CEMAL Forest Manager, a federal and state concessionaire, certified by the FSC® and constantly inspected by the competent environmental agencies of both spheres of power.

To monitor and worry about the source of raw materials is to have the sense that consumption must be conscious and, for that, we all need to know how the products we buy are made. Therefore, here we prioritize transparency and easy access to information.

In the case of wood, in addition to the georeferenced data of the supplier company and the forest management operation, we provide the invoice number and the DOF (Forest Origin Document).

Conscious consumption starts at the source.


VEDAC: a brand from Pará

Present in the states of Pará, Pernambuco, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Minas Gerais and Santa Catarina.